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Welcome to the Milestones Demo Shop

All products and prices shown on these shop pages are for demonstration purposes only. They are here to illustrate the functionality of the ePages shopping system.

Easy, mediumdifficult and difficult pieces for piano solo and four-handed incl. CD


$25.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 2 days

Medium difficult pieces for piano solo


$32.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 3 days

Workbook with scales, chords and arpeggios for beginners and advanced.

$16.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 4 days

German version

Workbook with scales, chords and arpeggios for beginners and advanced.

$16.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 4 days

Medium difficult pieces for piano solo


Book 1, N° 1-11

Order: HK 003


$17.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 2 days

Medium difficult pieces for piano solo

Book 2, N° 12-24

Ordering number: HK 006

$18.50 *

In stock
can be shipped within 2 days

Workbook with scales, chords and arpeggios for beginners and advanced.

6 books for the price of 5

$70.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 4 days

Heinrich Klassen, Meditation, Book incl. CD

$12.00 *

In stock

Heinrich Klassen, Meditation, E-Book incl. MP3

$9.00 *

In stock

Easy, medium difficult and difficult pieces for piano solo


$15.00 *

In stock

S. Metallidi, Suite "The golden key" and other four-handed piano pieces

$15.00 *

In stock

Mediumdifficult and difficult pieces for piano solo and four-handed incl. CD

Средние и сложные произведения для фортепиано в 2 и 4 руки, включая CD


$22.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

E-Book: PDF

Mittelschwere und schwere Stücke für Klavier zu 2 und 4 Händen

Средние и сложные произведения для фортепиано в 2 и 4 руки


$11.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 5 days

H. Klassen, five books set (buy five, pay four) + 3 CDs

$60.00 *

In stock

В классе Виссариона Исааковича Слонима
Old price $12.50
$8.00 *

In stock

Фортепианные упражнения, гаммы, аккорды и арпеджио для начинающих и продвинутых учеников

$10.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 4 days

Sergej Martynjuk, Aquarelles, 12 Piano pieces/PDF

$12.00 *

In stock

H. Klassen, Humoresque

$4.00 *

In stock

Medium difficult pieces for piano solo


$16.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 3 days

Easy, mediumdifficult and difficult pieces for piano solo and four-handed, PDF


$12.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 2 days

Heinrich Klassen, Love Waltz

$3.99 *

In stock

Heinrich Klassen, The Sea, Ondine, Nocturne in A flat major, Pleasure / PDF

The Sea:




$12.00 *

In stock

Heinrich Klassen, Waltz for piano 10 hands / PDF

$6.00 *

In stock

YouTube: Piano pieces 3


E-Book: PDF


Leichte, mittelschwere und schwere Stücke für Klavier zu 2, 4, 6 und 10 Händen.

Easy, medium and difficult pieces for piano for 2, 4, 6 and 10 hands.

Легкие, средние и сложные пьесы для фортепиано в 2, 4, 6 и 10 рук.

適合 2、4、6 和 10 手的鋼琴的簡單、中等和困難樂曲。

$15.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within 2 days

H. Klassen, Your eyes in my memories

Copying and duplication permitted.

$5.00 *

In stock

Michail Glinka, Nocturne "La Separation"

Arr. for violin, cello and piano by Eduard Bering

$10.00 *

In stock

Abnahmemenge mindestens 20 Exemplare

Herrlicher Klang


Nach einem ukrainischen Volkslied "Koljadka dzwoniw" (Engl. Carols of the Bells). 

Bekannt als Bearbeitung von Mykola Dmytrovych Leontovych (1877-1921) "Shchedryk" (1916)


Es gibt Fassungen für gemischte-, Frauen- und Männerchöre



1. Herrlicher Klang für gemischten Chor

2. Herrlicher Klang für Männerchor

3. Herrlicher Klang für Frauenchor

$2.50 *

In stock

Heinrich Klassen, Halloween waltz / PDF



$5.00 *

In stock

Eduard Bering, Blues for Arina / PDF



$5.00 *

In stock

Eduard Bering, Autumn song / PDF



$5.00 *

In stock

Heinrich Klassen, Vater unser

In stock

Variations on "Happy Birthday to You" by Eduard Bering for violin (or two violins) and piano.

$15.00 *

In stock

Eduard Bering, HAPPY DAY, piano 4 hands / PDF




$5.00 *

In stock

Jingle bells for piano 4 and 6 hands. Arr. Ramela Baloyan

Jingle bells Video

$10.00 *

In stock

Bizet-Sarasate, Carmen-Fantasy, Arr. Piano 4-hands Heinrich Klassen / PDF




$15.00 *

In stock

Heinrich Klassen, Reflection

$5.00 *

In stock

* Prices include VAT, plus delivery

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