Shanna Metallidi is one of the most significant Russian composers and music pedagogues for children at present. Her musical creations contain many works for piano, violin, cello, wind instruments, orchestra, vocal, choir and theatre. Music for children has become the most important part of her life. She is teaching composition for children at the music school on the island Wasilevsky in St. Petersburg since 1963 and is the Chairman of the Jurors at the International Competition for young composers in St. Petersburg.
The piano pieces of this book are part of the Russian music schools’ repertoire for decades now. They will certainly help to develop Your pupils’ technical and musical skills.
Teil I / Part I
Leichte Stücke / Easy pieces
Der Regen ...................... 2
The rain
Mein Pferd ..................... 2
My horse
Katzenkummer ................... 3
The cat’s sorrow
Im Herbst ...................... 4
Die Spatzen frieren ............ 4
The sparrows are getting cold
Der kleine Reisende ............ 5
The little traveller
Das ungehorsame Bällchen ....... 6
The disobedient ball
Auf der Lichtung ............... 8
On the clearing
Der traurige Gesang ............ 9
The sorrowfull song
Mama ist krank ................ 10
The mother is ill
Teil II / Part II
Mittelschwere Stücke / Medium difficult pieces
Die kleine Balletttänzerin .... 12
The small balley dancer
Der Morgen in den Gebirgen .... 14
Morning in the mountains
Die Hänselei .................. 16
The teasing
Frühlingsliedchen ............. 18
Spring song
Marsch mit Glöckchen .......... 21
Marsh with bells
Herbstlandschaft .............. 23
Autumn scenery
Teil III / Part III
Schwere Stücke / Difficult pieces
Intermezzo .................... 26
Vögelkonzert .................. 30
The birds’ concert
Das Lied der alten Kiefer ..... 33
Song of the old pine
Humoresque .................... 36
Toccata ....................... 41
Sonate ........................ 46